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Cables and Cameras Showcase: Womxn Cameras, Lights
6:00 PM18:00

Cables and Cameras Showcase: Womxn Cameras, Lights

  • Global Lounge ( Senate House ) First floor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In collaboration with Cables & Cameras, the Global Lounge will be hosting a showcase of a diverse series of short films, aiming to spotlight and celebrate the creative contributions of POC Womxn directors and producers from Bristol.

Alongside screenings, we’ll be hosting a Q&A panel discussion with prominent POC Womxn producers and directors in Bristol, touching on their experiences and insights. We’ll explore the current landscape of the creative industry in the Southwest, along with the challenges, triumphs and opportunities that shape the narrative for POC Womxn in the field.

We’re excited to welcome Michelle Pascal from Fam Film Production, who will be moderating the discussions, and Euella Jackson, Co-Director of Rising Arts Agency.

This event will not only showcase the incredible talent in Bristol but will give you the opportunity to build connections within the creative community and engage in inspiring conversations with those in the field.

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Films and Directors or Producers:

The films and their respective directors or producers are:

• Skeletal behaviours - Stella Jordan
• 25 Days Of My Life - Rediat Abayneh @yabesha_lij
• Home Carnival Queen - Mena Fombo @menafombo
• HATS - Michelle Pascal @michelle_p4scal
• Marked - Euella Jackson @euella_isis • Home Grown - Corinne Walker @corinneswalker
• What they left - Mevis Birungi @mevcreative
• Nakato - Mevis Birungi @nakatofilm

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